An assemblage of artistic reflections and perspectives that grew through and together with the collective experiences of inhabiting a garden in Villa Romana, Florence.

Eunji Lee (은질리) is a typographic designer currently based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. She has strong conceptualizing skill to create eye-catching visuals and unique ideas. She is interested in drawing poetic gestures, blowing dynamics with typographic decision making and font curation.
An assemblage of artistic reflections and perspectives that grew through and together with the collective experiences of inhabiting a garden in Villa Romana, Florence.
Exhibition design for 아티워크 프로젝트 2024 : 예술가의 시간은 비선형적으로 흐른다 at Rainbow Cube Gallery, Seoul – poster, vinyl graphic, captions, leaflet.
Exhibition catalogue of Menno Pasveer's De schoonheid van het dagelijks leven at MOYA museum
Exhibition poster of Menno Pasveer's De schoonheid van het dagelijks leven at MOYA museum
Exhibition leaflet of The 11th Amado Annualnale Brrrr 제11회 아마도애뉴얼날레_
목하진행중 부르르 Brrr at 아마도예술공간 Amado Art Space, Seoul
Yang-ha's archive book consisting of two solo exhibitions The Alert Rings at Noon on the First Monday of Every Month and Open the Window.
Zine publication containing experimental writing of Sae Kwon in Japanese and translated in Korean by Yuki Konno
Collection of found rubber hose photographs by Yuka Nakashima, and reinterpreted visual creations made by Eunji Lee
Poster design for Paradise in Disguise, 2022
Through this candy pack, I hoped to open up people’s mind a little bit and positively change the perception of sexuality. @tprtl.zosel
“A dump not only devours everything, preserving it forever, but one might say it also continually generates something: this is where some kinds of shoots come from new projects, ideas, a certain enthusiasm arises, hopes for the rebirth of something, […] ”
Ilya Kabakov, “The Man Who Never Threw Anything Away”, 1977
All images taken from IISG, Amsterdam, and edited by Eunji Lee.
Invitation design for a fictional exhibition directed by Elie June
Identity design of Lucid Mortal, a Death Planning company in 2083;
Screen-printed leporello pamphlet
Class publication of reactions to a list of photos selected by Bart de Baetes
(Third Image) Cover designed by Ian Scheufler
Reflective but not reflective ceramic pond
Re-designed an article of David Foster Wallace's speech featured in Harper's Magazine(1998) Original pdf
Syllabus (incl. wood stand) used as a material for performance; Collaborated with Wen-Hsuan Yu
Performer: Wen-Hsuan Yu
Typeface inspired by cable ties